Give Safety a Hand

We use our hands for virtually every task we do at work. Unfortunately, hand injuries are often re-occurring incidents. These injuries can be minor in nature, but they can also be life-altering. Workplace injuries are 100% preventable. Here are 10 prevention tips to help protect your 10 fingers:

  1. Beware of pinch points. Train yourself to recognize pinch points and avoid placing your hands or fingers in the line of fire.
  2. Expect the expected. When using wrenches and other hand tools, with which you expect resistance, anticipate that the tool might slip or the object to which pressure is being applied may suddenly give way.
  3. Inspect tools. Always check to see if they are in good condition and safe to use.
  4. Do not work on moving equipment. If the equipment can be stopped, do so. Working on moving equipment presents a real threat to hands and fingers.
  5. Replace machine guards following repairs that require removal of guards. Guards are installed for a reason. Never operate a piece of equipment with a missing guard.
  6. Be mindful of equipment that starts automatically. Never work on such equipment without first eliminating the possibility of automatic start-up.
  7. De-energize electrical equipment prior to working on it. Flash burns caused by electrical equipment shorting out is a threat to hands and fingers when work around such equipment is being performed.
  8. Be mindful when closing doors. Keep hands and fingers clear.
  9. Avoid touching lines or equipment that is hot. Every hot line or hot piece of equipment is a potential source of painful injury to any hand or finger that comes in contact with it.
  10. If the work being performed requires gloves, use them. Gloves offer protection from sharp objects, wood and metal splinters, acids, electrical burns, chemicals, and many other sources of injury

Your hands are gentle and strong

They work hard every day

To take care of our family

In oh-so-many ways.

With your hands you labor

And provide for all our needs.

But your hands are never too busy

To stop and do good deeds.

Your hands are there to help

To catch me when I fall

To hug, tickle, and high five

You answer every call.

I love to hold your hand

To feel your fingers cover mine

I feel so safe and loved

Every single time.


Work safe. Home safe. Every day.


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Work safe.  Home safe.  Every day.